About Us

Welcome to Justice Law College

JUSTICE LAW COLLEGE has been a first effort on the part of Justice Raza Islamic Trust (JURIST) Pakistan (Regd) to provide the education in the field of Law not only in Hazara, but also comparatively remote area such as Northern Area, Azad Kashmir etc.
The establishment of Justice Law College welcomed students from all over the country leading to the dissemination of legal education throughout Pakistan with a team of dedicated and experienced teachers and eminent jurists under the supervision of Mr. Justice (R) Raza Ahmed Khan. The college marched towards its cherished goal and within short span of few years it being Premier Law College of KPK province established its distinguished statue. Those who followed them, were no less zealous and we again find among them many who have distinguished themselves in law and public life.

Our Features

Here are some of our salient features.


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